Bluebird skies

I run outdoors almost all year ’round save for the time or two that I’m traveling and can’t get out.  Winters make it tough with the cold and the lack of light but I try my best. 

Springtime is my favorite time to run.  The temps are just right, there is a newness in the air and everything just seems to feed my energy.

On weekends I make it a point to get out for a trail run.  We have amazing trails in the Grand Junction area and I take advantage.  Today I was out running and thinking about how fortunate I am to live in this beautiful area.  So incredibly fortunate.  

Don’t get me wrong, I have found beauty in every place I’ve lived.  Port Huron, MI had the amazing seaway.  North Dakota’s west portion of the state is a rugged beauty.  The eastern portion of South Dakota has a serenity to it.

But there is something about Western Colorado…